If you’re anything like me, I love the idea of a new year, a fresh start, and a chance to do things better. Unfortunately, this time of year simultaneously calls for a seemingly overwhelming sense of angst about ensuring I start the new year with a list of 6,000 things I need to do better at or better with in my life. Paired with these anxieties are often related unrealistic and thus, unattainable goals that admittedly would require more of a total rewiring of my brain than a vision board for me to accomplish. In the end, this leads to falling short of those goals as much a tragic part of the ritual as drafting them in the first place.

So, in an attempt to do things a little bit better (and wiser!), I’ve done my best to spend the las


One of the key principles of CrossFit is that it is a strength and conditioning program that involves "constantly varied functional movements preformed at high intensity". Whether you have been doing CrossFit for 3 days, 3 months or 3 years, you know this means that in a given workout there will be some type of weightlifting movement, gymnastics skill work or straight up cardio with running or rowing. Everyone knows why they should run more. As far as gymnastics goes, the added flexibility and ability to control ones body weight is a topic for another time. I’m here to talk about the benefits of weightlifting.

You probably fall into one of three categories with regards to your attitude around weightlifting.

Camp 1: "I don’t ac


If you guys can’t already guess, the theme for July is all about consistency. Summer starts getting into full swing and life happens. Vacations, happy hours, the sun is finally out and it’s not raining, you name it; there are a billion other things to do beside getting in to the gym. Suddenly you start choosing other activities over your hour of fitness (which is fine) but those goals you set at the beginning of the year start slipping a bit further and further away. Or another trap people fall into is the more you miss the more your cardio slips and the longer it takes to recover.

We’ve all been there. And it’s not a bad thing to choose other activities. But we just wanted to give you some tips and tricks for staying on top of your


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